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Educational Philosophy

Swami Vivekananda said "Education is the manifestation of perfection already in man". However, we see that many young people who go through or come out of the educational process feel imperfect, unfulfilled and less confident. The "rasa" in education seems to be lacking. Children of today long for a vibrant, rigorous and fulfilling environment where they are able to realise their full potential and be of service to the society. With a standardized approach to education, the student finds it difficult to discover their "Swadharma" i.e what they are meant to do in life and their larger role in the society. 

In order to create students who are curious about the universe, rooted in the self, societally conscious, deeply interested in acquiring knowledge and ecologically sensitive, creating a joyous and holistic educational environment becomes important.

SVA-Dharma School, which is a day scholar Gurukulam, is designed with the holistic physical, mental, intellectual and spiritual development of students in mind. Focusing on Indian sciences, the Gurukulam aims at reviving Indian knowledge: para and apara vidya (scientific and spirtual) and creating a thirst for local knowledge and traditions. Students of SVA-Dharma school will be rooted in Indian sciences and values and can interact seamlessly on global platforms. 

Read Article :Gurukulam- A way of Life 

Children learn

Self reliance

Local Ecology




Ayurveda &






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Carnatic Music


Outside Play

Vidura neeti

एको धर्मः परं श्रेयः क्षमैका शान्तिरुत्तमा। विद्यैका परमा तृप्तिरहिंसैका सुखावहा॥ 

eko dharma para śreya kamaikā śāntiruttamā vidyaikā paramā tptirahisaikā sukhāvahā

Dharma is the single highest good, forbearance is the supreme contributor to peace Knowledge gives supreme fulfillment and non-violence produces great happiness SVA-Dharma Gurukulam is a place of knowledge, values and fulfillment.

Evaluation of the child

Our Sadvidya Curriculum focuses on the Panchakosha development. Development of all aspects of the individual ensures that the individual leads a life of fulfillment and satisfaction. This also ensures that the child develops to be a healthy and happy individual at all levels. This can also serve as a framework for evaluating the growth in the children. The growth in the child can be observed by the shifts in the Panchakosha. This is the Report card that children get which is holistic.

Time Table

In India there has been a long running tradition of well-established teaching and learning processes for Sanskrit that are time tested. We shall adhere to the books of Saṃskṛta-svādhyāya series of Central Sanskrit University as well as books and resources of Saṃskṛta Bhāratī (Sarala-parīkṣa, Patrācāraḥ and Gītāsopānaṃ) and Devabhāṣā publications. 
The approach is to begin from learning the script and pronunciations carefully, followed by a gradational introduction of various components of the language so that children begin from conversationally using Sanskrit and go on to acquiring appreciation for literature, grammar, rhetoric and poetry. 

Our Gaṇita curriculum is crafted to immerse students in the vast and detailed realm of Indian mathematics, aiming to sharpen their problem-solving abilities across a variety of topics. Students will explore areas such as Prakı̄rṇaka-vyavahāra (covering weights, measures, and proportions), Miśra-vyavahāra (focused on proportions, profit-loss, mixtures, and ratios), Śreḍhı̄-vyavahāra (delving into sequences and series), Kṣetra-vyavahāra (geometry), Khāta-vyavahāra (excavations), Citi-vyavahāra (stacks), Chāyā-vyavahāra (shadows), and Bhadragaṇita (magic squares). Advancing further, they will encounter more complex subjects like Bījagaṇita (algebra), Śarajīvānayanaṃ (trigonometry), and Aṅkapāśa (combinatorics), all rooted in our cherished scientific heritage.

​Learning Telugu offers children a unique window into the vibrant culture, traditions, and history of Telugu-speaking communities, enriching their understanding of the world's diversity. It not only sharpens cognitive skills such as memory, attention to detail, and problem-solving but also nurtures empathy and global awareness by connecting them with a wide community. Beginning this linguistic journey at a young age leverages their innate ability for language acquisition, facilitating smoother and quicker mastery. Through immersive experiences like storytelling, cultural music, and interactive games, the process of learning Telugu becomes not just educational but thoroughly enjoyable for children.

Nakshatra Vidya
​India boasts a profoundly rich heritage in observational astronomy, a subject largely overlooked in modern education. Indian astronomers have made numerous groundbreaking contributions, including significant discoveries and sophisticated calendrical calculations. This tradition will be introduced to children, encompassing an understanding of the scientific Indian calendar and engaging in foundational mathematical exercises related to these studies.

Paristhiti Vijñāna
Bhūmādevi has been revered and worshipped in Indian traditions since time immemorial. This inclination also led to development of various indegenous sustainble practices that were well evolved over time from which the contemporary education simple cuts one off. At this juncture where many Earth systems have degenerated through human action, it is of foremost importance to dedicate a subject that delves into presenting problems of the present and possible hybrid solutions from the past and present. 
This course will help children analyse and understand various sustainable solutions in earthern building, textiles and dying, energy production, water management, waste management, agricultural best practices, Gau-centric economy, and approaches to consumption. This course shall blend both theory and practice to inspire the next generation of problem-solvers

Children shall begin from learning the world-view of Indian medical systems, starting from Pañca-mahā-bhūtās, Triguṇas, Tridoṣā and their nature. Importantly, children shall becoming aware of one’s own constitution, learn what is ease and disease, lifestyle lessons, understand spices and balanced cooking and an overview of herbs. It is important and significantly empowering to study this field of science from a young age for a well-informed sense of wellness.

Ithihasa & Niti
Children shall rejoice in value-rich stories from Rāmāyaṇa and Mahābhārata, as well as understand the great lineages and leaders leading upto the Indian freedom movement. In parallel, children shall be exposed to thematic studies of rivers and cities of Ancient India and significant temples. The outcome of this course is to help children blossom into a vibrant identity of a Bhārati with access to facts and philosophy of this sacred land.

Indian knowledge Systems

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